Views & Templating


We are living in a single page world

Although glim has a fully featured view layer to support server side templates, currently there exists single page fashion which allows client side templating. Therefore, although this is completely optional, it is highly suggested not to use server side view rendering for keeping the server only busy with data retrieval. Instead, use some great javascript frameworks like angular.js

Jinja2 extension for glim framework

After 0.9 releases of glim, view layer is separated from glim core and served as an extension. Therefore, it is required to install glim-extensions module using pip

pip install glim-extensions


# app/config/<env>.py
config = {
    'extensions': {
       'view': {
           'package': 'app.views'

There exists a really simple jinja2 integration in glim. The view layer in glim simply is a set of jinja2 templates. Glim views can be defined in app/views folder. The right place to render templates would be inside controllers. So, let’s make a controller return a jinja2 template;

from glim_extensions.view import View
from glim import Controller
from app.models import Post
from glim_extensions.db import Orm

class PostController(Controller):
    def get(id):
        p = Orm.query(Post.post_id, Post.content).filter_by(post_id=id).first()
        if p:
            post = dict(zip(post.keys(), p))
            return View.render('post', post=post)
            return Response(status=404)

The template file would be the following;

# views/post.html
    Post id : {{ }}
    Post content : {{ post.content }}

Logic in templates


If - Else Statements

Including templates

Extending templates

Sharing data between templates

Configuring template path