In glim, most of the core components are extending from Registry class. The Registry class provides configuration which can be dynamically accessed using "." notation. The Registry implementation is the following;

class Registry:


    This class is basically a dictionary supercharged with
    useful functions.

      registrar (dict): A registrar to hold a generic
        configuration of a class.

      config = {
        'a' : 'b',
        'c' : {
            'd' : 'e'
      reg = Registry(config)
      reg.get('a') # returns b
      reg.get('c.d') # returns e
      reg.set('f', 'g') # sets 'f' key of dict
      reg.get('f') # returns g


    def __init__(self, registrar):
        self.registrar = registrar

    def get(self, key):

        Function deeply gets the key with "." notation

          key (string): A key with the "." notation.

          reg (unknown type): Returns a dict or a primitive

            layers = key.split('.')
            value = self.registrar
            for key in layers:
                value = value[key]
            return value
            return None

    def set(self, key, value):

        Function deeply sets the key with "." notation

          key (string): A key with the "." notation.
          value (unknown type): A dict or a primitive type.

        target = self.registrar
        for element in key.split('.')[:-1]:
            target = target.setdefault(element, dict())
        target[key.split(".")[-1]] = value

    def flush(self):

        Function clears the registrar

          After this function is called, all of your data
          in your registry will be lost. So, use this smartly.


    def update(self, registrar):

        Function batch updates the registry. This function is an
        alias of dict.update()

          registrar (dict): A dict of configuration.

          After this function is called, all of your data may be
          overriden and lost by the registrar you passed. So, use
          this smartly.


    def all(self):

        Function returns all the data in registrar.

          registrar (dict): The current registry in the class.

        return self.registrar

    def __str__(self):
        return self.registrar

You can see the docstring introduces the usage of a registry object. In glim, the Config class is extending the registry. It has the following implementation;

class Config(Registry):


    The configuration class is to hold framework level constants.
    It holds the dict in app.config.<env>.config.


You can notice that there aren't any changes in the Registry class. The Config can be instantiated with a dict namely the registrar.