In glim, there is a command line utility layer where you can define command line apps that can be run from terminal. In a typical glim app, all command line apps reside in app/ In this file, all commands are extended from Command class in glim.command module.

This command layer uses ArgumentParser object of argparse module. Consider the examples of Hello & Greet commands. Hello command just prints "Hello World!" and Greet command takes an user name argument prints "hello :name";

from glim.command import Command

class HelloCommand(Command):
  	name = 'hello'
    description = 'prints hello world'
		def configure(self):
 		def run(self):
      	print("Hello World!")
class GreetCommand(Command):
  	name = 'greet'
    description = 'greets a user'
    def configure(self):
				self.add_argument("name", nargs='?',
                          help="enter project name",
    def run(self):
      	print("Hello %s!" %

These commands are automatically registered when you run glim from command line. The following outputs will be appeared on glim commands;

$ glim hello
Hello World!

$ glim greet aras
Hello Aras!

In a typical Command, self.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) would create an argument using ArgumentParser. You can see more examples of argument adding here.


Register arguments in only configure function

You can only register arguments inside the configure function.